Facebook account hacked – How to recover my Facebook account with no email and phone number

Facebook Account Recovery - Melbourneaus

Even pals who are technologically savvy are presently being “hacked” on Facebook; here’s how to prevent it and ensure your account is fully restored if it has already been compromised.

Accounts are typically “hacked” when someone manages to get your password. Because users frequently use Facebook to log in to other services, it’s problematic for Facebook in particular because if someone manages to access your Facebook account, they will also have access to a number of other services. So, do you often wonder what you should do to get your account back? 

How do you know when your Facebook account has been hacked?

You might get locked out of your Facebook account (or an Instagram account) for a number of different reasons. Somebody could have flagged your account as phoney because you were using different devices to access Facebook. The best course of action is to presume that you’ve been hacked and begin the process of regaining access to your account immediately! 

  1. Password has been changed. 
  2. The name is different. 
  3. Your contacts have been receiving messages that you never sent. 
  4. Strange posts
  5. Sudden increase of friends
  6. Multiplke friend requests sent out

What do you need to do to recover your Facebook account?

The fact that you have forgotten your Facebook password is very typical. People nowadays just log in to their gadgets a single time and then forget their passwords. To get into Facebook on any new device or browser, you lose your password.

However, you don’t have to fear, because you can reset your Facebook password without an email address. In the event that your phone number is preserved in your Facebook account, then you can use the following procedures to retrieve your password:

  1. Go to the Facebook log-in page and click on the ‘Forgotten Password’ button. 
  2. Once you click it, you will be presented with the option of having your password sent to your email or password. 
  3. You will receive your password reset code either through your email or text message. If you don’t have the email, use your phone number for password recovery. 
  4. Click ‘Continue’ so you can reset and create a new password. 

There, it’s as simple as that! Don’t forget to secure your Facebook account by choosing a hard-to-crack-down password and remember not to share them with anyone else (and always log out from the devices after use). 

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